Input and Output

The input() function in Python allows you to collect the user’s input through the terminal and store it as a string. You can use this to prompt the user!

The print() function allows you to output any data type to the terminal!

name = input("What is your name?")

print("Hello, " + name + "!")
Hello, Aadi!


Python has some basic math functions that we can use to perform operations. You have to import the math module to use them!

import math


Emoji Package

We can install the emoji package using pip install emoji. This allows us to import functions such as emojize, which lets us use emojis in our code!

As you can see here, when we use the emojize() function on a string, all of the text that represents an emoji is turned into an emoji when printed!

from emoji import emojize

print(emojize(":thumbs_up: Python is awesome! :monkey:"))
👍 Python is awesome! 🐒